Supplier Management

Full Supplier Information

Create a price list for each supplier

Add documents for suppliers with their info and expiry date

Let VAIRSA-Procurement track documents expiration

Activate and de-activate any supplier

Specify the currency for each supplier

Determine the payment type for each supplier

Determine the credit period and credit limit for each supplier

Determine the beginning credit balance for each supplier

RFQ & Price-List Management

RFQ & Price-List Management

Create RFQs to Suppliers

Determine and set a deadline for RFQs

Possibility to let supplier fill with his own currency

Suppliers can reply RFQs and update their price lists

Email automation between you and suppliers

Control various RFQ Status: Open, Submitted, Expired and Closed

Price comparison among items and suppliers

Give your supplier the authority to add more new brands

Link items for suppliers manually with full data

Each item can has many brand name, price and VAT

You can activate or deactivated any item at any supplier price list

Purchase Requisition Management

The easiest way to create a PR; just by filling quantity only

See qty on hand while creating the PR

Save your PR and complete it later

Name the PR to find it easily (make a subject)

Allow you to recreate any PR by one click

Status controlled: open, submitted, reviewed, verified, approved and closed

Create an optional approval matrix: review, verify and approved

 Purchase Requisition
Approval Matrix for PR

Approval Matrix for PR

We provide three levels of approvals

Matrix can have one level up to three: if matrix not specified, PR is approved automatically

Any person among the matrix can but his remarks for each item in PR

PR won't move to the next level unless the current one approves

The approver can adjust qty in PR without deleting the original qty

Approved can see qty of this item over all locations

Statistics for each items in PR to help in decision making

If the budget of location determined, the budget consumption will be displayed

Forecasted amount of PR will be predicted for the approval matrix people

The effect on budget will be predicted

Purchase Order Management - Creation

Create a PO in one click, just determine suppliers for items

Each supplier will Will have his own PO created separately

The deactivated suppliers or deactivated items of any suppliers will not be valid

If the supplier has open POs the items are consolidated not duplicated

When creating PO, you can see the item prices among suppliers

You can see the changes of price over the history

The PO creator can be allowed to adjust qty up and down or restricted

The PO creator can be different from the PO approver

The PO creator can see availability of each item over all locations

Purchase Order
PO Approval

Purchase Order Management - Approval

The approver can adjust qty in the PO if authority granted

Decision making tools e.g. budget tracker and supplier credit limit tracker

Multi currency support

Send PO to suppliers by email automatically

Option to confirm PO or let supplier to confirm or reject

Possibility to add terms and conditions inside the PO

Possibility to make those T&Cs bilingual

Status control: Open, submitted, confirmed, rejected and closed

Goods Receiving Note - GRN Management

Receive each PO by just filling received qty

Not to exceed PO qty

Leading time for each receiving

Status control: open, partially received, totally received and closed

Goods Receiving
Invoice Verification

Invoice Verification

Verify each supplier invoice in seconds

3-way matching: PO, GR and invoice

Multi currency support

Status Control for invoices: not paid, paid, partially paid and over-paid

Show 3 kinds of balances: invoice balance, limit balance and due balance

Show the supplier aging report based on credit period and credit limit

Payment Management

Support post and pre payment

More than 7 kinds of payment methods

Not allow extra payment

Support automatic reconciliation with supplier

Payment Management
 Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Manage all kinds of inventory processes

Issuing, discarding, transferring in/out, returning in/out and adjusting qty

Beginning inventory and on-hold inventory balance

Tracking stock movement and balance in separate locations or overall

Inventory Avg., Inventory Turn-Over, Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO) & Consumption Rate

Fast and slow moving analysis

Departments & Locations Management

Create as many as departments and locations you want

Link each department with locations

You can identify monthly budget for each location

VAIRSA-Procurement will track the budget by monthly basis

Each user can have a scope of control either: All, Department, Location or Own

Departments & Locations Management
Category, Unit and Item Management

Category, Unit and Item Management

Create your own item-master list

Specify a category, UOM and packing-size for each item

You can create as many categories, units and items as you want

Overview and Statistics for any item

Roles/User Management

Create as many roles you need

Link each user with a role

Activate and deactivate Users

Rather than roles, each user can have a scope of privileges

Support 4 kinds of scope: All, department, location and own

Operations linked to roles not users

 Roles/User Management
  Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable (AP) Management

Track all invoices of all suppliers and payments

Track the suppliers credit period and limits consumption

Reconciliation Support

Aging Statement for all payable accounts

Aging report support:< 0, 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-180, 181-360 and >360 periods

Accounts statement for any supplier

Supplier Account Statement

Up-to-date supplier account statement with debit and credit amounts

Browse the statement for any period

You can show the statement in the supplier's currency

Ability to send the statement to the suppliers email by one click

Supplier Account Statement